Different | Ohpynez Social Polling for Community Engagement

How Ohpynez is Different

Whether used on its own or as a starting point for further research, Ohpynez offers a number of significant advantages when compared to the traditional method of evaluating non-categorical open-ended questions.

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Traditional open-ended survey questions Ohpynez
Question origination: Top-down Bottom-up or top-down
Participation required: Respondents must provide a written answer. Respondents may indicate their level of
agreement or disagreement to others'
answers and may opt to provide a written
Evaluation process: Manual: time-consuming and may be
inadvertently biased by the reviewer.
Automated: aggregated results are
available in real-time.
Resulting data type: Nominal Ordinal
Results for participants: No Individualized results for each participant.
Analysis:* Limited to classification or rating statements
as positive, negative or neutral.
Descriptive statistics, cluster analysis,
Kruskal-Wallis H test, correlation and
regression. The results are customizable
and include charts.
Predictions:* No For any two questions, predicted
quantitative values can be generated for
individuals who have only participated in
one of the two questions.

*Purchase is required for access to select features. Some methods of analysis are subject to additional requirements, such as a minimum number of participants, to function correctly. More information is listed on the pricing page.

Ohpynez functions by measuring the level of agreement between a written opinion and each person that reads it. Depending upon whether agreement or disagreement is expressed by the reader, the positioning of both opinions shift closer together or further apart. The amount that each opinion may shift will vary.

All opinions are treated equally whether expressed as a written answer or not. While submitting a written opinion and rating others’ opinions will create a more accurate result, there is no requirement to do both. It is not possible to reply or otherwise engage in direct communication because each written opinion is inarguably assumed to correctly represent the view of its author. After a number of interactions, the position of each participant’s opinion can be graphed. This information is available for free and will display the current position of your opinion compared to the opinions of the other participants.

A different approach

At its core, Ohpynez conducts open-ended exploratory surveys on and by its participants with or without a predetermined end user for the resulting data. By doing so, Ohpynez is able to provide summaries of opinions for issues that may not otherwise be polled. This long tail approach to polling can help organizations to identify important issues and allows for instant access to an ongoing poll where the respondents are those who care most about that issue.

Traditional open-end questions are often intentionally broad, resulting in the collection unfocused data that may or may not be useful. In stark contrast, Ohpynez requires questions to be very specific and propose a singular solution for participants to respond to. Highly focused answers can more easily be compared and contrasted, allowing for more specific, informative, and actionable results.

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Qualitative survey questions Quantitative survey questions Ohpynez
  • Can capture details overlooked by
    quantative survey questions
  • Useful to help define the problem
    before further research
  • May capture respondents' tone of
    voice and terminology
  • Easily handles large sample sizes
  • Analysis can be done in real time
  • Results are simple to understand
  • Combines both qualitative and
    quantitative results in real time
  • Captures unique details from
    individual results
  • Ordinal data allows for additional
    analytical methods to be used
  • Analysis of the results is often
    slow and subject to manual review
  • Typically used with smaller sample
  • Nominal data limits analysis to sums
    and percentages
  • Limits possible responses to
    preselected options
  • Respondents may interpret options
  • Nominal data limits analysis to sums
    and percentages
  • Questions must be very specific and
  • Respondent participation is limited by
    the accumulation of others' responses
  • Some participants may need to
    revisit the question
Best used for:
  • Discovering insights and issues,
    especially before further research
  • Collecting responses from a large
    number of people
  • Identifing, measuring and interpreting
    differences between nuanced opinions

Extrapolative polling

Ohpynez is able to predict the likely quantitative values for those who have answered only one of two highly correlated questions by comparing the quantitative values for individuals who have answered both questions.

  • Using predicted values offers a quick and inexpensive alternative to traditional polling methods.
  • Predicted values may aid in determining which opinions are potentially underrepresented or even missing when compared to the results of a question that is known to be a representative sample of its population.
  • Artificially increasing the sample size with predicted values helps ascertain if the participants are collectively a representative sample or are simply members of a vocal minority.